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Interesting Technology Updates -Click on a title below

  • - A radical idea to get a high-renewable electric grid

    This is an interesting approach to optaining very high penetration of renewables such as photovoltaics and wind.  At present most large installations operate under Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) wherein the economics are based on a sell all output at predetermined prices. This contrasts with standalone systems wherein the system size Read More
  • - Breakthrough Batteries Powering the Era of Clean Electrification

    - Breakthrough Batteries Powering the Era of Clean Electrification Battery Storage Costs Drop Dramatically, Making Way to a New Era. A recent Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) report continues to confirm that clean electrification through batteries is advancing at impressive rates. Very interesting report: Breakthrough Batteries- Powering the Era of Clean Electrification Read More
  • - Interesting Technology

    An assortment of links to interesting information   Semiconductor Nanowires Could Double the Efficiency of Silicon Solar Cells A p/n semiconductor junction is not the only way of converting sunshine into useful electrical energy.  Light consists of a flow of photons of various energy levels (colors).  See this article-Solar Cells.  Nanowires Read More
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Phoenix Fire Dept. now requires a separate permit for solar systems and batteries

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The City of Phoenix is now (January 2020) requiring a special permit from the Fire Department for most solar systems and batteries.  The fees and required plans varies with size and content.  See this link for an application and details: Photovoltaic OTC Bundle Rev 01-2020.pdf

This is in addition to a building permit from the Planning & Development Department and must be separately obtained at a different address (150 South 12th Street) or on-line via the above link. Also noted is that residential PV permits are no longer over the counter and as of March 2020 are estimated to take 29 working days to process.  Separate inspections are required.

The code requirements are contained in Phoenix-Chapter 12 BESS R-3-1.pdf

Also note: All Phoenix solar building permits are now electronic submittal only. Contact the Electronic Plan Review (EPR) Triage Team at 602-534-5933 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information on EPR, visit us at

Related: PV Rapid Shutdown Signage- Phoenix



Proposed new rules covering connecting to the utility power grids in Arizona have been under study (DOCKET no. RE-00000A-18-0405) since about December 2018.  At their Jan. 16 meeting the ACC approved new draft interconnection rules that could help link renewables and batteries to the grid, making it easier for customers across the state to utilize.

There is a good description of these new rules and their significance at:

See the 4-26-19 Staff Report for a good summary:

On 2-12-2020 the ACC posted a staff  Retail Electric Competition report a fact-based review of electric restructuring initiatives and challenges in competitive electric markets in the United States.  


On May 26th 2021, the Arizona Corporation Commission reconsidered and passed a Clean Energy Rules package. The energy rules package includes 100% carbon-free energy in Arizona by 2070. And the carbon reductions are requirements and not goals.

Revised carbon emissions reductions levels by the following:
• 50% by December 31, 2032
• 65% by December 31, 2040
• 80% by December 31, 2050
• 95% by December 31, 2060
• 100% by December 31, 2070

Most importantly, the passed rules retained all the beneficial policies and requirements around storage and distributed storage. Specifically, the rules include a 35% energy efficiency requirement, which is the nation’s first distributed storage/solar requirement, preferential treatment for energy procurement from coal-impacted communities and tribes, as well as a complete rewrite of the IRP rules that will require the Commission to approve, rather than acknowledge a preferred portfolio of resources.

This is not yet final, as a result of substantive changes made to the original Recommended Opinion and Order, the amended energy rules package will be sent back through the formal rulemaking process. An updated schedule will be implemented that will allow for written comments and public comment on the record. Interested parties can submit formal written comments to the docket beginning July 9, 2021 through August 20, 2021. Public comment sessions will be held on August 16 and 19, 2021, at 10am.

The passage of the Energy Rules as they presently stand reflects a significant win for ratepayers, for the people of Arizona and for the Solar Energy Industry.

See also Materials Presented by the Joint Stakeholders at the Commission's March 2020 Energy Rules Workshop

The Nature Conservancy has submitted their report "Arizona Thrives - A Path to a Healthy and Prosperous Future" to the ACC. Interesting.

APS has submitted their report,  The Solar Center has slightly reformatted this report by rotating the pages for easier viewing.  APS has provided two presentations to address the ACC questions. Worth a read.


  • Welcome to the Arizona Solar Center

     This is your source for solar and renewable energy information in Arizona. Explore various technologies, including photovoltaics, solar water heating, solar architecture, solar cooking and wind power. Keep up to date on the latest industry news. Follow relevant lectures, expositions and tours. Whether you are a homeowner looking to become more energy efficient, a student learning the science behind the technologies or an industry professional, you will find valuable information here.
  • About The Arizona Solar Center

    About The Arizona Solar Center Arizona Solar Center Mission- The mission of the Arizona Solar Center is to enhance the utilization of renewable energy, educate Arizona's residents on solar technology developments, support commerce and industry in the development of solar and other sustainable technologies and coordinate these efforts throughout the state of Arizona. About the Arizona Solar Center- The Arizona Solar Center (AzSC) provides a broad-based understanding of solar energy, especially as it pertains to Arizona. Registered Read More
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