Photovoltaics (PV for short) is the technology that converts light directly into electricity. It all starts with the basic solar cell that may be made from many different materials. The most popular material is silicon. There are many processes that may be used (See our article on Solar Cells) and substantial development work is in process worldwide on methods that increase efficiency (higher rate of conversion of sunlight), reduce costs, and increase the lifetime of the solar cells.
A single solar cell is not very useful, the voltage is low and the solar cell can easily be damaged by the environment. See our article on Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Systems for further details on making solar cells into useful items.
A major feature of photovoltaic systems is the ability to produce electrical energy without any need for fuels or causing polution. The costs of the produced energy are hard to quantify as most of the costs are up front capital costs and the amount of energy produced depends on the site weather and several installation design elements.
How to Use Photovoltaic Technology
The practical use of photovoltaic technology ranges from very small to very large and close to home and far away.

There are many reasons to use photovoltaic technology to meet energy needs. The technology is scalable from very small (watches) to very large (utility scale plants covering square miles), allowing unique needs to be met and improving the environment when compared to conventional sources of energy. There are many benefits from financial to environmental, see our article on Environmental Benefits of Renewable Energy.
A good introduction to residential PV systems is our article Path to Solar. It covers a wide range of PV implementation information. See also: Should you install solar on your home? 10 key considerations, Considerations in sizing a PV system in Arizona and Questions to Ask before Purchasing a Solar System.
Utility Related PV Information:
- Arizona Electric Utility Information
- Summary of APS Solar Rate Plans- 2019
- Frequently asked questions about SRP's commercial solar electric program
- $13.6B record-breaking solar park rises from Dubai desert
- Navajo Nation Eyes Utility-Scale Solar with Growing Interest
- Tucson Electric Power (TEP) to provide 70% of its energy from solar and wind by 2035
Educational & Commercial PV Systems
(coming soon)
Some Historical information
Over the decades there have news articles on improved technologies for producing solar cells. Most of these, even if backed by a major technology company, have not made it in the marketplace. Here is an example: False Technology Start- Spheral Solar Power plant in Canada
Some nice to know information
(more coming soon)
More Technical Information
There is a good general technical article on that is worth a review: Challenges of Making Solar Energy Economical
For a more technical introduction to small utility connected PV systems, the interactive PV-Explore presentation presents some details. This is slightly dated (2012 state of the art), but describes some of the components. At present it is not integrated with the rest of this website, use your back arrow to return to this page. PV-Explore- Understanding and Troubleshooting Grid Connected PV systems.
The National Electrical Code has some new safety requirements such as Rapid Shutdown of Photovoltaic Module Series Strings
How long do rooftop residential solar panels last? See this article at pv magazine
Batteries and PV Systems
- The Challenge of Storing Energy
- Under current policies, residential batteries increase emissions in most cases
Government & Legal Information
For more information, follow the topics below.
Some interesting uses of PV:
- Build a solar-powered Wi-Fi repeater that's always on(line)
- Good Intentions on donating PV systems to Habitat
1. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). 2012. Renewable Electricity Futures Study. Volume 1, pg. 210.
2 Machol, Rizk. 2013. Economic value of U.S. fossil fuel electricity health impacts. Environment International 52 75–80.
3 Environmental Protection Agency. 2010. Assessing the Multiple Benefits of Clean Energy: A Resource for States. Chapter 5.