Our technical data is organized into the following categories:
- Solar Electric (PV) Also known as Photovoltaic Technology
- Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Using reflectors or lens technology to focus sunshine
- Solar Hot Water (SHW) Making hot water for homes and businesses
- Solar Cooking Making and using simple solar cookers that work without fuel
- Solar Space Heating Keeping warm with solar energy
- Other Renewable Energy Sources Biomass, wind power, hydropower
- Technology & Science - Technical Documents Some information on How to Do It, and How Not to Do It
- Barriers to PV Implementation There are many barriers to wide scale adoption of photovoltaic systems in Arizona
- Environmental Benefits of Renewable Energy Solar, wind, and hydroelectric systems generate electricity with no associated air pollution emissions
- Solar for Professionals Some PDF Documents of interest to solar professionals
- Solar Water Pumping Using photovoltaic technology to pump water for homes, cattle, irrigation, etc.
- Let us know what other technical data you need.