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Arizona Solar Center Blog

Commentary from Arizona Solar Center Board Members and invited contributors.

While blog entries are initiated by the Solar Center, we welcome dialogue around the posted topics. Your expertise and perspective are highly valued -- so if you haven't logged in and contributed, please do so!
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Passive Solar Heating & Cooling Manual, Part 2 of 4

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Passive Solar Architecture - Heating

Passive Solar Heating presents the most cost effective means of providing heat to buildings. Generally, the amount of solar energy that falls on the roof of a house is more than the total energy consumed within the house. Passive solar applications, when included in initial building design, adds little or nothing to the cost of a building, yet has the effect of realizing a reduction in operational costs and reduced equipment demand. It is reliable, mechanically simple, and is a viable asset to a home. The following are rules of thumb and an explanation of the essentials of passive solar design.

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184243 Hits

Passive Solar Heating & Cooling Manual, Part 1 of 4

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NOTE:  Booklet available in Microsoft Word format, RTF format and PDF.  Published by Rodale Press, Inc., 1980.  A project of Western SUN Arizona and Western Solar Utilization Network.

Introduction to Solar Energy

The sun's energy arrives on earth in the primary form of heat and light.  Other aspects of solar radiation are less easily perceived and their detection often requires sophisticated equipment.  All solar radiation travels through space in waves, and it is the length of these waves (the shortest is less than a millionth of an inch, the longest more than a thousand yards) by which all solar radiation is classified.  The aggregate of all radiation aspects of the sun is called the solar spectrum.

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142499 Hits

Award for the pioneering promotion of renewable energy sources

Press release, Bonn, May 8, 2009

For his long-lasting and worldwide commitment to the dissemination of solar energy, Hermann Scheer, member of the German parliament, president of EUROSOLAR, chair of the World Council for Renewable Energy and recipient of the alternative Nobel Prize, has received the Karl Böer Solar Energy Medal of Merit 2009 this Thursday in Newark, USA.

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8671 Hits

Passive Solar Energy - The Starting Point

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PASSIVE SOLAR ENERGY - IMAGE 01 The sun’s energy is an incredible bounty. The energy contained in solar rays make their way through our filtering atmosphere and is critical to life on this planet...

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36834 Hits

Passive Solar Energy - The Starting Point

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PASSIVE SOLAR ENERGY - IMAGE 01 The sun’s energy is an incredible bounty. The energy contained in solar rays make their way through our filtering atmosphere and is critical to life on this planet...

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6354 Hits

Residential PV Stand Alone Systems Presentation

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Full slide show in window below | For 3 page summary in a separate PDF window: Residential PV Stand-alone Brochure {edocs}pdfs/stand-alone.pdf,700,550{/edocs}
34984 Hits

Residential PV Stand Alone Systems Presentation

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Full slide show in window below | For 3 page summary in a separate PDF window: Residential PV Stand-alone Brochure {edocs}pdfs/stand-alone.pdf,700,550{/edocs}
6124 Hits

Residential PV Grid-Tie Presentation

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Full slide show in window below | For 3 page summary in separate window: Brochure format

30751 Hits

Residential PV Grid-Tie Presentation

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Full slide show in window below | For 3 page summary in separate window: Brochure format (PDF){edocs}pdfs/grid-tie.pdf,700,550{/edocs}
6318 Hits

Dutch entrepreneurs warm to solar energy

Hermann Scheer inspires Dutch participants at major conference

Press release; 5/5/2009

When it comes to solar energy, Dutch entrepreneurs are successful all over the world. This was evident at The Solar Future in Rotterdam, the biggest solar energy conference ever held in the Netherlands. Here, with over 250 participants, it also emerged that a large group of new entrepreneurs are ready to invest in solar energy. Conspicuous by its absence from the conference, organized by Rotterdam-based company Solarplaza, was the Dutch government. One of the presentations demonstrated that the stop-go policy of different subsidy schemes has set the Netherlands back a long way within Europe. Flanders alone installed over 10 times more new PV capacity in 2008 – around 50 MegaWatt. Comparisons with Germany are even more painful. Germany instals the same amount in a day as the Netherlands does in a year.

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9831 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - Birth of a Technology

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The Birth of a Technology

French scientist Edmund Becquerel in 1839 discovered the photovoltaic effect – that light falling on certain materials can produce electricity.  Later physicist, including Albert Einstein, found that tiny photons, or particles of light, could interact with electrons surrounding the nucleus of an atom.  That interaction causes a free stream of electrons - the basis of electricity.

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27879 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - Fundamentals of Photovoltaics

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The Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Systems

The basic element of a photovoltaic system is the solar cell. Modern solar cells are approximately 4 inches square and are most often made from silicon, a semiconductor.

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26727 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - From Calculators to Power Plants

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From Calculators to Power Plants: PV Systems in Action

Photovoltaics systems are quite different from traditional methods of generating electricity. Their power production is directly affected by the weather and the time of day – I. e. they can’t produce electricity without sunshine. Ironically, photovoltaic cells are also affected by the sun’s heat becoming less efficient at high temperatures.

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29769 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - Solar Cells

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Single – Crystalline Cells

The oldest and most efficient type of photovoltaic cell is made from single-crystalline Silicon.  It is called single-crystalline because the atoms form a nearly perfect, regular lattice – if you could see into the cell, it would look exactly the same in almost every spot.  In these cells, electrons released during the photovoltaic effect have clear, unobstructed paths on which to travel.

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28137 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - Sizing a Photovoltaic System

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Sizing a Photovoltaic System

(What follows is a quick and easy method for sizing photovoltaic systems. However, the formula is not intended

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32616 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - Glossary

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Glossary of Terms

Alternating Current:  Electric Current in which the direction of flow is reversed at frequent intervals, 60 cycles per second.  The type of electrical supplied by utility companies.

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27760 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - Birth of a Technology

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The Birth of a Technology

French scientist Edmund Becquerel in 1839 discovered the photovoltaic effect – that light falling on certain materials can produce electricity.  Later physicist, including Albert Einstein, found that tiny photons, or particles of light, could interact with electrons surrounding the nucleus of an atom.  That interaction causes a free stream of electrons - the basis of electricity.

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6121 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - From Calculators to Power Plants

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From Calculators to Power Plants: PV Systems in Action

Photovoltaics systems are quite different from traditional methods of generating electricity. Their power production is directly affected by the weather and the time of day – I. e. they can’t produce electricity without sunshine. Ironically, photovoltaic cells are also affected by the sun’s heat becoming less efficient at high temperatures.

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5773 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - Fundamentals of Photovoltaics

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The Fundamentals of Photovoltaic Systems

The basic element of a photovoltaic system is the solar cell. Modern solar cells are approximately 4 inches square and are most often made from silicon, a semiconductor.

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5844 Hits

AZ Dept. of Commerce Report - Glossary

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Glossary of Terms

Alternating Current:  Electric Current in which the direction of flow is reversed at frequent intervals, 60 cycles per second.  The type of electrical supplied by utility companies.

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5637 Hits