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Arizona Solar Center Blog

Commentary from Arizona Solar Center Board Members and invited contributors.

While blog entries are initiated by the Solar Center, we welcome dialogue around the posted topics. Your expertise and perspective are highly valued -- so if you haven't logged in and contributed, please do so!
Michael Norris has not set their biography yet

Living with the Sun - Arizona Style

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Arizona is a land of physical and climatic diversity -


from the San Francisco Peaks to the Sonoran desert, Arizonans past and present have adapted to this land of diversity and often to conditions of climatic intensity. The heat of the desert summer sun and the cold of a mountain winter have had direct impact on the form and shape of our buildings, and the patterns of our behavior.

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7563 Hits

Virtual Tours (Galleries)

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The Vision of a Solar Arizona

An Arizona Virtual Solar Tour compiled by AZ Dept. of Commerce - Energy Office

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27540 Hits

Passive Solar, Trombe Wall, Photovoltaic and more - Gallery

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Courtesy, Dr. Martin J. Pasqualetti
  • NOTE: Photos obtained from the photo gallery are to be used for lawful purposes only. Any commercial use must receive prior approval from the Arizona Solar Center. Credit shall be given to Photographer along with Arizona Solar Center, and no affiliation with Arizona Solar Center is to be implied.

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31584 Hits

Wind Power Gallery

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Courtesy, Dr. Martin J. Pasqualetti; Arizona and US Wind Resource Maps courtesy NREL
  • NOTE: Photos obtained from the photo gallery are to be used for lawful purposes only. Any commercial use must receive prior approval from the Arizona Solar Center. Credit shall be given to Photographer along with Arizona Solar Center, and no affiliation with Arizona Solar Center is to be implied.

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36893 Hits

Wind Power

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Wind turbine

Wind/Solar Electric Array SE of Tucson

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35742 Hits

Geothermal Energy

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Geothermal energy is, literally, the heat of the earth. The heat itself derives from radioactive decay beneath the earth's surface and, in certain locations, it is concentrated enough and is close enough to surface waters to be brought to the surface for a variety of purposes. When it is above 150 degrees C (302 F), it is usually considered hot enough to be used to generate electricity as it is in Italy, El Salvador, Mexico, Japan, Iceland, and Indonesia, among other countries. No such operations exist in Arizona, but several power plants are currently in operation just west of Yuma, Arizona in the Imperial Valley of southeastern California. Although some high temperature geothermal resources exist southeast of Phoenix near the now-retired Williams Air Force Base, they have never been deemed economically feasible.

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32716 Hits


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Hydropower has been used for millennia in most countries of the world. Its longest application has been for use in mechanical tasks, such as grinding grain. With such simple mechanical devices as a "noria", it has also long been used to lift water. Within the last 100 years, hydropower was applied to the conversion of its kinetic energy to electrical energy. Today, hydropower produces 24 percent of the world's electricity and supplies more than 1 billion people with power.

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30158 Hits

Other Renewable Energy Sources

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Hoover Dam


Hydropower has been used for millennia in most countries of the world. Its longest application has been for use in mechanical tasks, such as grinding grain. With such simple mechanical devices as a "noria", it has also long been used to lift water. Within the last 100 years...

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27034 Hits

President Obama Announces New Light Bulb Standards

Biggest energy saver in history of Energy Department

Washington D.C. (June 29, 2009): New national minimum energy efficiency requirements for light bulbs will save more energy than any other standard ever issued by any administration, according to a coalition representing environmental and consumer organizations, state government, and utilities. The new standards, announced by President Obama today, will make the hundreds of millions of fluorescent tube lamps that light offices, stores, and factories more efficient. They also will phase out conventional incandescent reflector lamps, effectively extending the phase out of inefficient incandescent products initiated by Congress in 2007 to the common cone-shaped bulbs used in recessed light fixtures and track lighting.

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9509 Hits


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This website is for information purposes only. The Arizona Solar Center attempts to keep the information relevant and up-to-date. However, any product descriptions, performance specifications or equipment pictures displayed on this site should not be construed as a guarantee that the products or technologies are available on the market, that they perform as described or that they are appropriate for any application similar to what is represented on the website.
22867 Hits

Privacy Statement

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We respect your right to privacy! Any and all information collected at this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed. Any information you give to the Arizona Solar Center will not be used in ways to which you have not consented.

24589 Hits

Solar Architecture

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103045 Hits

Initiatives & Programs

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Arizona Initiatives

Governor's Solar Energy Advisory Task Force

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27797 Hits

Legislation (Federal & State)

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Incentive Programs across the U.S. (Prepared by DSIRE)

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26238 Hits

State Legislative Tracker

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Updated: April 26, 2014:
The Arizona Legislature adjourned on Thursday, April 24 at 1:42 am -- bringing an end to the 51st legislature – second session. Of the bills the Az Solar Center was tracking – SB 1484 was signed into law by the Governor earlier this month. Two other bills, SB 1301 and HB 2403, passed the legislature and have been transmitted to the Governor for her signature.

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26966 Hits

Solar Leasing & Lending

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Updated Feb. 16, 2014

In 2014 solar adoption makes up a very small percent of the electrical generation mix in Arizona. But the trend is accelerating in favor of solar utilization not only in Arizona, but across the country.

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22042 Hits

Solar Videos

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Pioneers of the Sun

Runtime 4:03
Go to Viewing and Download Page

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29320 Hits

Quick Facts: Solar Electric

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Updated January 20, 2014
  1. A home solar system is typically made up of solar panels, an inverter, wiring (meter and disconnect switch) and support structure.
  2. A typical rooftop solar electric system is connected to the utility grid and relies upon the grid infrastructure for backup power. It will not operate in the absence of utility power.
  3. A modest PV system will pay for itself during the life of the equipment, generally several times over.
  4. Solar increases the value of your home.
  5. Solar equipment helps protect you from rate increases and fuel cost uncertainties.
  6. Use of solar helps decrease air pollution problems related to burning fossil fuels.
  7. Solar Energy is measured in kilowatt-hours. 1 kilowatt = 1000 watts. 
  8. To figure the cost of a photovoltaic system the system size is multiplied by the installed cost per watt.  A 1 kW system that costs $4 per installed watt would cost $4,000 (1,000 x $4 = $4,000).
  9. Larger systems have a lower cost per watt.
  10. Solar energy systems qualify for state and federal tax credits and exemption from state sales tax.  The cost of a solar system is further reduced by a state tax credit (25 percent up to $1000) and a federal tax credit (30 percent).
  11. A one kilowatt solar system that cost $4,000 to install would be reduced by a $1000 state tax credit and $1200 federal tax credit.  The out-of-pocket cost would be $2800.
  12.  A solar energy system generates units of energy measured in kilowatt-hours.  One kilowatt-hour (kWh) is the amount of electricity needed to burn a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours.
  13.  A 1 kilowatt home solar system will generate approximately 1,680 kilowatt-hours per year in Arizona.  The average Arizona utility electric rate is $0.12 a kilowatt-hour – meaning the energy offset by a 1 kilowatt solar system is equal to $201.60 (1680 x $0.12 = $201.60).
  14. If a 1 kW photovoltaic system cost $2800 to install (after incentives), and saves $201.60 a year in electricity costs – the payback period would be 14 years.
  15. A typical Arizona home generally has an electric utility service rated at 200 amperes.  This generally limits the size of the inverter to about 8,000 watts without extra costs.  An inverter rated at 8,000 watts can generally use a photovoltaic array rated at up to 10,000 watts (10 kilowatts).
  16. If the photovoltaic array is in an area without shadows, or must face other than South, the performance will be affected.
  17. In one hour more sunlight falls on the earth than what is used by the entire population in one year.
27372 Hits

Quick Facts: Solar Hot Water

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Updated: January 20, 2014
  1. Solar water heaters pay for themselves in 3-10 years, depending on your hot water use and whether you are comparing to gas or electric water heating.
  2. A simple passive system only adds about $15/month to your mortgage and pays for itself long before your mortgage is paid off.
  3. The total costs (initial cost, fuel, maintenance) over the life-ycle of a solar water heater is one of the lowest of all water heating systems available.
  4. Solar increases the value of your home and provides an appealing sales feature.
  5. Your solar equipment has value independent of your house. You could sell your solar equipment or take it with you when you move.
  6. Take advantage of state and federal income tax credits (25% up to $1000 state; 30% federal) and exemption from state sales tax.
  7. Utility companies offer rebates for the purchase of solar equipment including solar water heaters. Check with your utility to see if any rebate applies in your area.
  8. Increased use of solar will help decreases environmental problems caused by burning fossil fuels.
  9. Use of solar energy creates quality local jobs by expanding the local solar industry.
  10. Use of solar provides you with more independence in your personal life.
25444 Hits

Economics of Solar Swimming Pool Heating

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Updated Feb. 16, 2014

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27080 Hits