Call to Action!
The legislature introduced two bills (HB2248/SB1175) that would strip the Arizona Corporation Commission of its authority to proceed with the final adoption of the Clean Energy Rules package passed last year and its ability to require the procurement of any specific type of generation.
Stakeholders have been working with the ACC and each other for nearly four years on the adoption of these Energy Rules. This legislation seeks to undo these years of work and would deprive businesses of the certainty they have been working so hard to achieve through the rule process.
The passage of HB 2248 and SB 1175 creates massive regulatory uncertainty for businesses who wish to conduct business in Arizona or expand or relocate here.
Nearly all the largest businesses in the Country are demanding options for 100% clean energy and cannot be expected to look to locate in states that are making it harder, instead of easier, to acquire clean energy. These bills are sending a message that Arizona is not looking to the future, is not keeping up with technology, and is not interested in reaching out to key job creators.
Is this really the time to say “Arizona is closed for business?”
Act now and tell the members of the House and Senate Natural Resource, Energy and Water Committee to VOTE NO on HB 2248 and SB 1175.
1.    Sign into “Request To Speak,” and state you are in opposition to this bill. Create an account here. (Note you will have to activate or have someone activate your account at the Capitol. If you have an account from previously, it will still be active.)
2.    Speak virtually against HB2248 in the House Natural Resources, Energy, and Water Committee meeting, happening this Tuesday, January 19th @ 2:00pm.
Email [HouseNREW@azleg.gov] by 2:00 pm TODAY (1/15) to reserve your spot. Note that you should also sign in on Request to Speak. You will be provided with a Zoom link so that you can testify remotely. 
3.    Speak virtually against SB1175 during the Senate Natural Resources, Energy, and Water Committee meeting, happening this Wednesday, January 20th @ 2:00pm. Email [SenateNREW@azleg.gov] 24 hours beforehand. Note that you also need to sign in on Request to Speak.
4.    Email the committee members, ask them to vote no stating the impact that the passage of these two bills will have on Arizona businesses, the economy and jobs. Include your own personal touch and how this will impact YOU!
House Committee Emails NO on HB 2248
Senate Committee Emails NO on SB 1175
Thank you for your urgent actions on this!