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Education Links - Arizona Solar Center - Arizona Solar Center Blog

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Arizona Solar Center Blog

Commentary from Arizona Solar Center Board Members and invited contributors.

While blog entries are initiated by the Solar Center, we welcome dialogue around the posted topics. Your expertise and perspective are highly valued -- so if you haven't logged in and contributed, please do so!

Education Links

This list may be useful for those teaching or studying solar energy.  The links will help educators enhance curriculum and expand their professional growth. Also consider reviewing our main Recommended Links page. For a list of entities at Arizona Universities involved in solar and renewable energy research and implementation, please see the University Intitiativespage.

Arizona State University Energy & Sustainability Initiatives -
ASU has completed significant campus utilities infrastructure upgrades in recent years that generate electricity and reduce energy consumption as well as reduce water use and recycle materials at the Tempe campus.

Arizona State University's Solar Initiative -
Arizona State University’s solar technology strengths address the challenges of economically converting solar energy into useful useable energy for small to large scale power generation. These strengths match the complete solar product/process development cycle and support.


Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education -
AASHE is a membership-based association of colleges and universities working to advance sustainability in higher education in the US and Canada. We work in partnership with businesses, NGO's and government agencies that support our mission.

California Energy Commission's "Energy Quest" -
An abundant source of energy information, including solar energy specific references. Downloadable educational curriculum "Environmental Education Compendium for Energy Resources." Interactive energy puzzles.

Earth Viewer -
You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, and more.

Education Partnerships - NREL's Science and Technology Education Programs -
Serves the education and research missions of NREL and DOE through three major program thrusts: preparing students, teaching and learning, and university partnerships.

Energy and Environment Specialty Group in Association of American Geographers -
A forum for promoting communication and interaction among geographers involved in energy and environmental issues, to enhance the contributions of geographers to energy and environmental research, and to assist in developing related educational curricula.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network -
This U.S. Department of Energy website is a great reference for energy efficiency and renewable energy information. Recommended for teachers and high school students.

Roofus -
Leads kids on a virtual tour of his house to learn about renewable energy and energy efficiency. This website also contains activity suggestions. Recommended for grades 1 to 4.eads kids on a virtual tour of his house to learn about renewable energy and energy efficiency. This website also contains activity suggestions. Recommended for grades 1 to 4.

Solar Energy International (SEI) -
SEI offers hands-on workshops in solar, wind and water power and natural building technologies in eleven locations. SEI also offers internet based online courses.

Solar plant to be built at UA's Tech Park
5 Things to Know Before You Claim Your Energy Tax ...