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Arizona Solar Center Blog

Commentary from Arizona Solar Center Board Members and invited contributors.

While blog entries are initiated by the Solar Center, we welcome dialogue around the posted topics. Your expertise and perspective are highly valued -- so if you haven't logged in and contributed, please do so!
Michael Norris has not set their biography yet

2010 UA solar car goes high tech

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It's like your car, with rear view mirrors, headlights and turn signals. Except this car is 100% solar powered. It's the 2010 model of The University of Arizona solar car.


8589 Hits

Solar Phoenix gains national attention

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Solar Phoenix has seen encouraging results as the partnership between the city, SolarCity and National Bank of Arizona closes its fourth month. There even is talk of taking it national.


9029 Hits

Regulator wants more solar power from utilities

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Corporation Commissioner Paul Newman issued a statement asking for support and feedback on a proposal to increase the requirement that utilities get 15 percent of their energy from renewable sources, such as solar, by 2025.

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8751 Hits

GE & APS to Study Impact of Solar Energy Grid Penetration

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With energy experts forecasting substantial increases in solar power in the coming decades, GE researchers are working with Arizona Public Service, the state's largest electric utility, to understand how large amounts of solar can best be integrated into today's grid.

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9434 Hits

Yuma Airport going solar with shade panels

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Yuma International Airport has signed a contract for shaded parking, but it's about more than keeping the hot sun off parked vehicles. The sunshades will actually be solar panels that will provide the electricity needed to keep the lights on and computers humming at the airport's passenger terminal.

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9964 Hits

Cowley Cos., Empire Power Systems team on state’s largest rooftop solar system

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Empire Power Systems and Cowley Cos. will team on the largest rooftop solar system in the state, a 2.4-megawatt system slated for a building owned by Cowley near 27th Avenue and Buckeye Road in Phoenix. The 850,000-square-foot building will have more than 6.5 acres of solar modules.

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9173 Hits

Board approves solar panels on downtown Phoenix structures

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The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors approved an agreement on Monday to install solar photovoltaic energy systems on three downtown county structures. The solar arrays will save an estimated $870,000 in energy costs over 20 years to give a welcome boost to the solar energy industry in Arizona.

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10039 Hits

APS gets OK for Flagstaff solar project

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Arizona Public Service Co. has received approval for a community solar power project in Flagstaff from the Arizona Corporation Commission.

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9379 Hits

State Regulators Back TEP's Plan to Expand Solar Energy Resources

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The Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) has expressed its support for Tucson Electric Power's plan to add more than 33 megawatts (MW) of solar generating capacity to its portfolio through power purchase contracts and new company-owned resources.

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9361 Hits

For AZ Solar businesses: FAQs on Proposed Residential Solar Incentive Changes

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APS has developed a FAQ sheet relevant to the proposed changes to the APS residential solar incentives program.

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8884 Hits

Solar-powered partnership between ASU & Univ. of Tokyo

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Arizona State University has established a partnership with the University of Tokyo, Japan, aimed at strengthening research and educational endeavors at both institutions to advance solar energy technology.

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9271 Hits

Ariz. ex-energy chief to aid other states

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Jim Arwood first got interested in energy issues in grade school, when the federal government proposed dumping nuclear waste in his hometown of Lyons, Kansas. That interest eventually led Arwood to his role as Arizona's top energy official. Now he is retiring and plans to consult for the National Association of State Energy Officials.


9879 Hits

Solar Zone Launches At U of A Tech Park

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The University of Arizona Science & Technology Park (UA Tech Park) has designated about 200 of its 1,345 acres as the Solar Zone, connecting research centers internationally and creating productive partnerships in the U.S., Canada and Europe.

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9645 Hits

SRP Rate Hike Approved - But if you go solar, who cares?

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Because Salt River Project just got approval for a rate hike, it's going to cost the average homeowner about $6.00 more per month...but not all homeowners are concerned.

Read more and watch newscast...

10349 Hits

DOE Loans for Clean (maybe), Renewable (or not) Energy

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The DOE released a list today of the dozen projects currently participating in the Department's energy loan programs. What could be bad about that? Nothing, unless you look carefully at the details. The devil is in the definitions!

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9276 Hits

APS gets Corporation Commission approval for solar, energy-efficiency programs

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Arizona Public Service Co. received approval for a program to roll out utility-scale photovoltaic systems, and for a program designed to make new homes more energy-efficient.

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9283 Hits

Threats to solar must be defeated

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The sun is shining again on Arizona's solar future. The Legislature backed off from a bill that would have killed projects and jobs in alternative energy. But the session isn't over. Legislative leaders must make sure this destructive measure isn't resurrected.

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9305 Hits

Energy bill dies following industry opposition

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Business and green-energy firms Thursday cheered the sudden death of a bill that they warned would have darkened Arizona's prospects for attracting alternative-energy firms.

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9497 Hits

Proposed law could chase solar firms from Arizona

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Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd. may reconsider locating to Goodyear and other solar power companies could follow suit if a law to classify nuclear power as renewable passes.

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9346 Hits

Governor hails Deer Valley schools' solar project

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Gov. Jan Brewer touted the Deer Valley Unified School District's success in completing the largest K-12 solar panel system in Arizona during a dedication at Deer Valley High School.

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8627 Hits