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Submission & Advertising Options - Arizona Solar Center Blog

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Arizona Solar Center Blog

Commentary from Arizona Solar Center Board Members and invited contributors.

While blog entries are initiated by the Solar Center, we welcome dialogue around the posted topics. Your expertise and perspective are highly valued -- so if you haven't logged in and contributed, please do so!

Submission & Advertising Options

Add your solar or renewable energy company to our Products and Services Directory. Arizona companies are allowed a complimentary listing. Companies outside of Arizona are required to pay $150 for initial entry (please write us for details). Most additional advertising options are the same for all companies. Note that we offer two different sizes of banner advertisment. Please see the options below. Payment may be made by check or via PayPal.

Companies Only
Description of Service

Basic Entry

No Charge

Company name, website link, telephone number and city, plus listing in one of the following nine (9) categories:

  • Architectural Design
  • Architectural Construction & Services
  • Professional Engineering Services
  • Solar Power Products & Installations
  • Solar Water Heating Products & Installations
  • Solar Cooling Products & Services
  • Wind & Other Power Source Products & Installations
  • Energy Efficiency Products & Services
  • Other Products & Services


  1. Companies that choose any advertising option below will be allowed a listing in up to three (3) categories.
  2. Arizona companies are those with a verifiable point of contact in Arizona: name, address and telephone number.
One or more of the following options may also be chosen.

Option 1


Add premium listing: placement at top of page in categories listed

Option 2


Add company logo and company description up to 75 words

Option 3


Add 150 x 100 pixel banner in right column of categories in which listed
(banner includes website or e-mail link)

Option 4


Add 350 x 80 pixel banner in main section of categories in which listed
(banner includes website or e-mail link)

Add new company

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