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- I am writing a paper on solar energy for school. Where do I find information on this topic? Fast answer
- Is the Arizona Solar Center hiring? Where can I find a job in the renewable energy sector? Fast answer
- Are there organizations in Arizona that offer internships in solar energy? Fast answer
- Photovoltaics (PV)
- Solar water heating
- Passive solar
- What is passive solar heating and cooling? AzSC link | EREN link
- What is the difference between active and passive solar? Fast answer
- What are the various approaches to passive solar? Fast answer | AzSC link
- Where is passive design used in Arizona? Fast answer
- What solar energy events/lectures can I attend? AzSC link
- Where can I find current solar energy news highlights? AzSC link
- Where can I find other sources of information about:
- Where do I find solar energy books and other literature? AzSC link
- How is solar used and energy reduced here in the desert southwest? AzSC link
- What Arizona utility companies are currently using photovoltaic (PV) systems? Fast answer
- What is "Power Tower" and how can it produce 10 million watts of electricity? AzSC link (Sandia National Labs "R&D 100" Awards 2000 PDF file - 1.34MB)
- What are the mirrors and solar panels near the intersection of University and McClintock in Tempe? AzSC link
- What university departments offer curriculum and degrees in solar energy in Arizona? AzSC link
- Is there a required "solar contractors" license in Arizona? Fast answer
- Solar cooking - I am making a solar cooker. What is the best absorbing material or paint that I can use to coat the surface in order to maximize solar heating? Fast answer
- Tax Credits - Is an individual who designs and installs his or her own solar energy device entitled to take the solar energy credit? Fast answer
- Solar Panel Size - If you have a solar panel with 25 individual panels, is it really different compared to one large panel of the same size. Why is it different? Fast answer
- Where can I find data on the solar angle-of-direct-incidence for various times of day and year? NREL link.
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