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Arizona Solar Center Blog

Commentary from Arizona Solar Center Board Members and invited contributors.

While blog entries are initiated by the Solar Center, we welcome dialogue around the posted topics. Your expertise and perspective are highly valued -- so if you haven't logged in and contributed, please do so!
Michael Norris has not set their biography yet

Cool Way to Hot Water

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Sample images from movie.

Movie Summary:

This video examines solar water heating. Solar water heating is one of the most cost effective ways to use solar energy. Though there are many different types of solar water-heating systems, the basic technology is very simple and illustrated in this video.

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24850 Hits

Plugging into the Sun

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Sample images from movie.

Movie Summary:

This video explores the various uses for photovoltaics cells. From the solar powered calculator to radios, water pumping, street lighting and household use, the photovoltaic cell has found a wide variety of niches throughout modern day society.

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24156 Hits

Masters of the Sun

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Sample images from movie.

Movie Summary:

This video traces solar development from the Hohokam Civilization - a Southwest desert culture which began about 200 years before Christ - through other southwestern native cultures whose architectural structures were built with a remarkable sensitivity to the sun’s daily and seasonal movements..

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22942 Hits

Pioneers of the Sun

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Sample images from movie.

Movie Summary:

This video examines early efforts to utilize heliograph communications and solar energy in the state of Arizona and includes reenactments of their original uses. The heliograph was one of the first solar experiments in territorial Arizona. In the late 1880s, the U.S. Cavalry employed the heliograph during hostilities with native Americans. Solar developments in Arizona during early part of the 20th century are also explored, from the Eneas Engine and the Day & Night solar water heater to solar cookers and passive solar architecture. Pioneers Arthur Brown, John Yellot, Sherry Cole and Barbara Kerr are recognized for their contributions to solar development in Arizona and elsewhere.

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25024 Hits

Solar Testing & Demonstration Facilities

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The APS STAR Center

Arizona Public Service Company (APS) operates the Solar Test And Research (STAR) facility to provide solar resource monitoring, small scale performance testing of new products, and to act as a staging area to ready and test equipment being installed for customer service.

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24003 Hits


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APS STAR Center redeployed
(December 2011, text provided by APS)

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32539 Hits

Gov. Brewer signs Arizona solar jobs bill

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In a major victory for solar advocates in the state, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer today signed SB 1403 into law.

The bill extends tax credits and other incentives to manufactures of renewable energy equipment (mainly solar) if they locate in Arizona and meet other criteria...

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10058 Hits

Why Not Arizona?

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A Presentation to the Governor

This presentation was prepared in August, 2003 for the Governor of Arizona as a report of the Arizona Solar Energy Advisory Council (ASEAC) on the existing status and future potential of solar energy in the state. It takes as its principal theme the relatively minor use of solar power in Arizona, something the Council found ironic given the abundance of solar energy within its border. It suggests that Arizona could and should be the world leader in solar energy research, expertise, information and developments, and it proposes several steps that could bring this reality closer. The presentation was packaged and delivered by Dr. Martin J. Pasqualetti.
22490 Hits

Arizona's Renewable Energy Future

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The Status of Renewable Resources and Development in Arizona

The following was prepared for and presented to David Garman, Assistant Secretary of Energy of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, at the Southwest Renewable Energy Fair in Flagstaff, Arizona in August 2003.

The presentation summarizes the measurement of renewable resources and the status of their development in Arizona, as well as the effectiveness of the state Environmental Portfolio Standard. The material contained in the presentation was current as of August 2003.

23590 Hits

Make Content Suggestion

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Solar energy, renewable energy and sustainability are increasingly important topics today. And information on these topics is highly dynamic. We make an effort to provide accurate, useful and timely information. Please help us by making suggestions or comments.
18979 Hits

Eight Questions about Solar Power in Arizona

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36562 Hits

Key Organizations in Arizona

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Arizona Solar Center

Arizona Solar Center

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38445 Hits

General Solar

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  • American Solar Energy Society
    The nonprofit American Solar Energy Society (ASES) is the nation's leading association of solar professionals & advocates. Our mission is to inspire an era of energy innovation and speed the transition to a sustainable energy economy.

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37737 Hits

Solar Building Design in Arizona

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Cliffs The idea of using the sun to meet the energy needs in our buildings has been with us since the time of the Greeks, with some of the design manifestations even evident in the prehistoric structures of Arizona and the Southwest. There is a great historic tradition for Arizona buildings that utilize our most abundant resource, and the current increases in environmental concerns, coupled with diminishing resources and costly energy place even greater emphasis upon solar and renewable energies as an important part of Arizona's energy mix.

Solar utilization has a long history, beginning with some of the earliest structures in which humans lived. The early inhabitants of what we now call Arizona probably did not think of their homes as passively heated and cooled. They built them in response to the climate, to social and cultural standards and to their need for adequate shelter. They did not have available to them abundant energy resources or mechanical devices for moderating the indoor climate of their homes. So they used what was available - the sun, wind, caves, fire and available materials such as branches and sticks, and mud and stone. If necessary, they built several dwellings, including one for summer and one for winter.

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37981 Hits

Solar Application & Integration

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APPLICATION - IMAGE 01Active and passive solar systems equipment - that hardware and elements which capture the sun’s energy for heating bath and wash water; heating swimming pools for extended season use; generating electricity to power devices; cooking food; warming and cooling buildings, etc. Solar equipment use is growing in Arizona neighborhoods, cities and towns.APPLICATION - IMAGE 02 Buildings are incorporating solar as part of the basic equipment package. People want to use solar equipment because it is cost effective, resource saving, simple to use and understand, and there is a logical, direct and unencumbered energy resource in the sun as it moves across the sky.

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44225 Hits

Resource Maps

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Wind, Solar Photovoltaic, Collocated Geothermal, Concentrating Solar Power, and Biomass

(US Department of Energy, NREL; map descriptions courtesy Tom Acker)

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46652 Hits

Living with the Sun - Arizona Style - 8 Modules

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Modules prepared by the Arizona Solar Energy Association & the Arizona Solar Center for the Arizona Department of Commerce Energy Office under a contract from the U.S. Dept. of Energy Million Solar Roof Program.

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26937 Hits

Virtual Solar Tour Test

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{pgslideshow id=1|width=720|height=540|delay=3000}
7235 Hits

Vision of a Solar Arizona

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A time when significant amounts of clean energy are generated from the power of the sun – may be closer than you think.  In this presentation, compiled by the Arizona Department of Commerce Energy Office in 2002, you’ll learn of  efforts to maximize the utilization of renewable energy across the state. This was developed as part of the Million Solar Roofs program, which concluded in 2006.

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24708 Hits

Living with the Sun - Arizona Style

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Arizona is a land of physical and climatic diversity -


from the San Francisco Peaks to the Sonoran desert, Arizonans past and present have adapted to this land of diversity and often to conditions of climatic intensity. The heat of the desert summer sun and the cold of a mountain winter have had direct impact on the form and shape of our buildings, and the patterns of our behavior.

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40436 Hits