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The Sun Day Times  

January Rewind

February 2, 2014

The January Rewind


During January the Arizona Solar Center Facebook Page was tracking a lot of developing stories of interest to the solar community. See some of the news you may have missed in our January Rewind presented below.


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Solar Plant Plans Heating Up For Chino Valley

At its Jan. 14 regular meeting, the Chino Valley Town Council approved a conditional use permit for a 20-megawatt photovoltaic solar facility immediately north of the northwest corner of the Town.



Building Better Homes In Indian Country

Tribes are using green building techniques in new homes. The movement is still in its early stages, but the projects are replicable . It's a matter of workforce development and teaching these skills to the next generation."

Read more




Phoenix Tries To Rise Above the Flames


Phoenix is the poster-child for the "Urban Heat-Island". Studies show that asphalt finished with a special green or blue coating stay about 20 degrees cooler than conventional black lots. Spread that across the thousands of lots that freckle the valley's sprawl, and you could begin to combat a problem largely of the city's own making: the hellish heat that now dominates its summers.



Mesa Agrees to Solar Lease for Municipal Buildings

The City of Mesa has entered into a solar lease for PV installations at a fire station/police station and a multigenerational center. The installations, on parking canopies, is estimated to save $660,000 in utility costs over the 20-year lease agreement.
(article has been removed)



PPA Approved In Western Arizona

La Paz County and the Town of Parker vote to approve solar power purchase agreement.
Read more.



Three More Schools Go On Solar Grid in San Luis

Four San Luis schools are now drawing their power from the sun. The Gadsden Elementary School District's solar installations are rated at 1.8 MW.
Read more.






Jim Arwood

Communications Director
Arizona Solar Energy Center



January Blogs


The Arizona Solar Center's Sun Day Blog welcomes dialogue around posted topics. Your expertise and perspective are highly valued -- so if you haven't logged in and contributed, please do so.



January 12: A New Fangled Utility


January 27:  State of the Solar State



The Sun At Work -- Virtual Exhibition of Photographs

The Sun At Work -- Virtual Exhibition of Photographs







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