From: Earthwisesolar [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 3:59 PM
Subject: SRP Meter Tampering

Meter Tampering

It has come to our attention that SRP meters are being removed without our knowledge.  We know these meters have been removed at some point in time because the seals on the meters are broken.  Although there have been significant advances in the safety and reliability of solar electric systems, this is a serious issue and can compromise the safety of your crews, our employees and the customer’s equipment. 

If for any reason a customer’s meter needs to be removed, you must call SRP at (602) 236-0777 to schedule an appointment so that SRP can remove the customer’s meter.  Under no circumstances should anyone but SRP be removing these meters.  If this problem persists, it may result in penalties or prosecution.

Provided below are the sections in our Electric Service Specifications related to tampering.


(Section 1-14-1-15, 11.1-11.3)

11.1 The breaking of seals and tampering with meters or unmetered wiring by unauthorized persons is prohibited and subject to penalty charges.

11.2 Section 13-1602 of the Arizona Revised Statutes prohibits tampering with the property of a utility. Such tampering is a felony if it causes impairment of the function of the utility.

11.3 In addition to the above, penalties for unauthorized use of unmetered energy may include special service charges for unmetered service, an estimate of consumption based on proper data of available records and the full cost or expense incurred by SRP to correct the infraction.

The full content of our Electric Service Specifications can be found online at

Please pass this information along to those without email access.

Thank you for your cooperation!

The SRP EarthWise™ Solar Energy Team

Solar Line: (602) 236-4448 | Fax: (602) 629-7985
SRP EarthWise™ Solar Energy | Mail Stop PAB 355 | P.O. Box 52025 | Phoenix, AZ 85072