Wind may have been one of the first energy sources harnessed by man. For centuries, windmills have been used to pump water and operate grinding-mills. Less than 100 years ago, windmills provided a significant amount of energy consumed in rural areas.

Wind is often considered an indirect form of solar energy because wind currents are created when the sun unequally heats different areas of the Earth's atmosphere. It is renewable because the wind blows. In one 24-hour period, the wind blowing across the U.S. offers almost 14 times the energy used by the entire country. The problem arises in capturing that energy and putting it to use.

The potential for the commercialization of wind power in Arizona is limited because the average wind speed is between 7 and 10 miles per hour. Wind speeds above 14 m.p.h. are required before utility-grade windmills are feasible.

We have a lot more information on wind energy on the site: Try our "Wind Power" page and our wind links page.