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Happy Holidays Green Reminders
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- Over 60 years of life, it is estimated that the average conifer tree will absorb 1 TON of Carbon Dioxide.
- Reducing the carbon footprint of an artificial tree to that below a living tree takes 20 years of re-use.
- Suggestion: buy a potted tree that can be replanted after the holidays; if you do get a cut tree, find your local after Christmas tree recycling facility.
- The amount of holiday cards sent out every year could fill a ten-story football stadium.
- Suggestion: send seasonal greetings through e-mail to reduce waste.
- Most mass-produced holiday wrapping paper CANNOT by recycled.
- Suggestion: use newspaper or old wallpaper as wrapping, or better yet, give a gift of your time or a donation to a charity, bypassing the gift wrap altogether!
- One string of LED decorative lights uses on average 90% less energy than traditional lights.
(Submitted December 2009)